Wednesday, September 14, 2011

You are NOT Invisible to God

"Therefore if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature: old things are passed away; behold, all things have become new."  2 Corinthians 5:17

In continuing our thoughts from yesterday, I wanted to study more and understand better not only what it feels like to be invisible but how God can work in those same lives for His good.  I thought about the life of many women in the Bible after our look into the lives of Sarai and Hagar yesterday.  I began to remember a certain woman who I think felt pretty invisible.
The book of Joshua tells us about a certain woman whose name alone tells us so much about her life and probably most importantly how she felt about herself -- Rahab the harlot.  Imagine for yourself what Rahab must have felt about herself.  Here she is a prostitute.  Everyone in town knows her as "Rahab the harlot."  Her worth is derived by the number of men who seek her for pleasure yet none of them ever offer her love or commitment.  Rahab has probably convinced herself that this is her "job" and that there is nothing better for her.  I can only imagine that she feels invisible to many of the men who enter her presence.  I imagine she feels pretty invisible most times she walks through the marketplace.  No one wants to be her friend, least of all another woman.
Yet God had a remarkable plan for Rahab's life.  I believe that the Lord touched Rahab and carved 2 Corinthians 5:17 into her heart to remind her that her past did not define her future.  I believe that Rahab found out that she was not invisible to God when he filled her with His love.  After God touched Rahab's heart, God used her and the Bible chronicles many heroic acts of faith by Rahab.  Fast-forwarding a little, marvel at these two blessings of Rahab -- 1.  Rahab married Salmon, a prince in the house of Judah; 2.  Rahab bore Salmon a son named Boaz, who son was Obed, whose son was Jessie, who son was David, through whose line Jesus was born.  Whoa!  Rahab was used by God and given many blessings.  Rahab was not invisible to God!
What is your Remarkable Story?  Do you have a personal before-and-after story?  Does your story include a hard spirit toward God or others?  Or is it marked by an icy, stone-cold heart towards the things of God?  Maybe you were never a harlot like Rahab, but you have probably felt invisible.  You have felt the pain of isolation, low self-worth, and hopelessness.  But God loves you greatly!  You are NOT invisible to Him.  He wants more than anything to have a relationship with you if you only allow Him to speak to you!
Dear Lord, Thank you for the story of Rahab.  Thank you that you can use "broken-down Jesus girls" to speak to the world.  We praise you for seeing us in love.  I pray for those who feel invisible, Lord, that they will find you even in their darkest hour.  Amen

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Are You Invisible?

"The angel of the Lord found Hagar near a spring in the desert; it was the spring that is beside the road to Shur.  And he said, 'Hagar, servant of Sarai, where have you come from and where are you going?' 'I'm running away from my mistress Sarai,' she answered."  Genesis 16: 7-8

I have recently been reading a book by James Dobson called "Bringing Up Girls."  Dr. Dobson discusses numerous emotions, physical transformations, and mental thoughts that girls often encounter in the young lives.  I was astonished by some of the reading, and at times, I was close to tears.  He tells stories about many young girls who are now adults that once felt invisible.  They felt invisible in their homes.  They felt invisible in their schools.  They felt invisible to boys.  They felt invisible to God.
Dr. Dobson discusses how this feeling of being invisible as young girls has molded them into young adults today.  Some found a true relationship with God through a caring friend or family member.  Yet others carried their feelings or unworthiness and low self-esteem with them where they instead put their focus on drugs, alcohol, prostitution, and homelessness.
I truly believe that there isn't a girl alive that has not experienced a time when she felt invisible.  As a child, I remember feeling somewhat invisible at school.  I was not the smartest of the kids in my class nor was I at the bottom.  Often I was left drifting somewhere in the middle. I grew to like the middle because it felt safer.  I rarely was called upon to answer questions or be the student at the front of the class helping the teacher.  Yet safe did not mean I didn't sometimes feel invisible.  It was in second grade that my teacher, Ms. Slover, took an interest in me.  She saw my potential.  She didn't let me fall to the middle anymore.  She gave me a precious gift that I could never repay --- she gave me hope.  You see, she taught me that being the smartest kid in the class shouldn't be my goal nor should drifting somewhere in the middle.  Ms. Slover tapped into me, into my interests, and found that I was smarter than I even imagined.  No one had bothered to tap into my potential.  So I grew to understand that I probably would never be the smartest kid in my class but guess what!  Out of 300 students to graduate in my high school in 1995, I was in the Top 32 for my GPA!
As I read back over the story of Abram, Sarai, and Hagar, I truly believe that both Sarai and Hagar experienced the feeling of being invisible.  Sarai felt unworthy of Abram's love since she could not conceive and handed over her maidservant, Hagar, to her husband.  Can you even begin to imagine the feelings that Sarai had?  The pressure she must have felt?  The hopelessness she was in?  Imagine attempting to conceive for so many years and being unsuccessful.  Many of you know exactly what she felt.  Now imagine feeling so hopeless that you decide to hand over your servant to your husband as an alternative to yourself to bear children.  Sarai must have also felt invisible during the time that Hagar and Abram were together.  I can only imagine she spent that time crying in her bed pleading with God.  Then when Hagar finds out she is pregnant, I believe that Sarai became, first, bitter and then jealous and finally enraged.
Then there is Hagar.  Oh Hagar.  As Sarai's maidservant, never did she imagine that she would be given over to Abram to bear his child.  Never did she imagine the abuse that Sarai began lashing on her due to her jealousy.  Hagar probably felt shame for sleeping with Abram in the first place.  Then to find out she is pregnant with his son.  Hagar had gone from being invisible as a maidservant to being the center of attention carrying the child of her master's husband.
The angel of the Lord finds Hagar as she has run away from Sarai's torture and jealousy.  Here the angel of the Lord tells her to return to Sarai --- AND to submit to her!  Do you think Hagar felt invisible upon hearing these words?  "You want me to go back to the woman who hates me so and do whatever she says?" Hagar is thinking.
I cannot even begin to imagine the pain that so many of you Ladies and Girls are dealing with this very moment.  I cannot begin to imagine the life struggles, the ordeals, the abuse, the neglect, the desperateness you have lived through.  But I do know what it feels like to be invisible.  I do know what you feel when you feel unworthy.  The one thing I pray for you today is that you find Hope.  Hope in the Lord Jesus who can turn your crimson-stained past into something pure and beautiful.  He can take your pain and heart ache and weave it into the greatest love you have ever known.  He, alone, can love you unconditionally and fill your heart with peace, joy, and hope.  I pray you seek Him today!

Dear Lord,  Thank you for loving us more than we sometimes love ourselves.  Thank you for seeing our pain, feeling our heartache, and embracing our brokenness.  You, alone, have the power to cleanse us of our past and lead us to a bright future.  Thank you for your son, Jesus, who died on the cross for me --- Me!  The no longer invisible ME!  Amen

Friday, August 26, 2011

A Woman of Wisdom

"She speaks with wisdom, and faithful instruction is on her tongue." Proverbs 31: 26

As the mother of a 6 year old daughter, I know the struggles that she has from adjusting to a school schedule to making new friends.  Yet I had been blind-sided by the self-image, self-worth, and peer opinion really matters to her at this age.  If you were to meet my daughter, you would come away probably thinking how sassy and cute she is (maybe I am biased on the cuteness).  Yet the longer you are around her, you will listen to her as she talks about what she likes to wear and what her friends think of her.  
For the past year we have "battled" over the clothes that she wears.  Last year I bought several outfits (shorts and shirts) on sale that I thought she would be able to wear this year.  While those outfits do fit well, she cries and is obviously hurt that she has to wear such.  She says the shorts and shirts outfits do not look good on her and her friends will not like them.  If she could pick what she wears everyday, she would pick dresses and skirts.
Lance and I have previously been somewhat flippant in our reactions to her appeals. For example our reactions include --- "who cares what your friends think?  did they buy your clothes?  why does it matter that you are wearing shorts?"  Lately, we have tried to focus on the beauty in her heart.  Lance and I have been intentional in telling her that she is beautiful no matter what she wears and that God made her beautiful.  Yet, is this enough?  As I listened to her petition this morning about not wanting to wear the shorts outfit, I began to pray.  I prayed that the Lord would help us to see where the root of this is coming from.  I began to pray for Wisdom.  
After I dropped her off at school this morning, I began to think about scripture and Proverbs 31:26 came to mind.  I want to speak to Alex with wisdom and that my instruction is what she needs to hear.  
I have read many articles that discuss the importance of the father-daughter relationship, and Lance has always recognized the importance of his relationship with Alex.  For example, did you know ---

Father's can help daughter's build self-reliance and self-confidence by letting her know she is special and can achieve anything she wants to.  Daughter's who have actively engaged fathers are also less likely to experience depression, become a teen mom, develop body image problems, use drugs/alcohol, or engage in criminal activity.  
Father's teach their daughter's adventurism and achievement, assertiveness and self-worth.  The way a father relates to his daughter will determine how she will relate to herself and others, and what type of a family she will create in her future. Father's also teach their daughter's leadership, humility, and courage.

A daughter is profoundly affected by the kind of relationship she has with her father—often more so than by her relationship with her mother. The girl who grows up having a comfortable, communicative, supportive relationship with her father generally has advantages over other girls when it comes to:
  • Academic achievement and future jobs and incomes—especially in areas related to science, math, and technology;
  • Avoiding teenage pregnancy and early marriage;
  • Being self-confident and self-reliant;
  • Setting long-term goals;
  • Avoiding emotionally or physically abusive relationships;
  • Resisting peer pressure to have premature sex, smoke, drink alcohol, or take drugs;
  • Not being overly dependent on boys in order to feel good about herself;
  • Asserting her opinions and standing up for her beliefs;
  • Dealing well with people in authority (teachers, employers, etc.);
  • A willingness to try new things and accept challenging tasks; and
  • Having less chance of becoming depressed or developing an eating disorder.

It is my prayer that if you have a daughter, that you strongly encourage her to have a relationship with her father whether he lives in the same house or not.  I pray that your daughter, like my own, will find her value and worth, not in the things of man, but in the heart of the Lord.  I pray for wisdom for myself as I seek to raise my daughter where peer pressure and image are already invading her life at the age of six.

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

I LOVE the Lord!

"I love the Lord, for her heard my voice; he heard my cry for mercy.  Because He turned his ear to me, I will call on him as long as I live."  Psalm 116: 1-2

Many times in trying to explain something to my 6 year old daughter, I find that she can take my long explanation and spit out it simply and plainly back to me.  I sit there then wondering why didn't I just try to say it that simply to begin with!  As I read this verse, I was reminded how simply I love the Lord.  Yes, I love Him for many, many reasons that I could talk for hours about; yet I simply love Him because He hears my voice -- because I am His child and He my Father!
I find my daily life super busy like many of you.  My mind drifts from one thing that needs to be done to the next million things on my list.  I feel guilty when I don't spend enough time with the Lord each day, taking time to praise him, thank him, and spend time with him.  Yet I focus on this verse and realize that during my time with the Lord maybe I should focus on my love for him.
I have always had a self-image problem.  I hate the way my body looks.  I hate the way clothes look on me.  Blah, blah, blah.  I say that to say this --- I love the Lord not because He looks a certain way but because he loves me.  God loves me not because of the way I look but because I am His!
I leave you today with this thought from Kay Arthur --
"You have been created by God and for God, and someday you will stand amazed at the simple yet profound ways He has used you even when you weren't aware of it."

Monday, August 15, 2011

You are a Sinner!

"For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God."  Romans 3:23

I had the privilege of working with some AWANA kids at church last night and this was one verse we went over.  I got to also talk with the small group about what this verse means.  It is amazing to know that at only 6 years old many of them already knew what Sin meant and who was the only perfect, sinless person who ever walked this earth.
In the last week, my own daughter has begun to ask questions about being saved and being baptized.  While this is something I don't want to be pushy on, I can't tell you how excited my heart was to know that she was having these questions!  In her 6 year old mind, she understands sin and how Jesus was sinless.  She is fascinated with the idea of baptism and loves to watch others being baptized.
This verse came to mind this week as she and I talked.  I also love, love, love the children's book by Stormie O'Martian called "The Prayer That Makes God Smile."  It is a great book for children and helps them understand the sinner's prayer.
As I reflect on this verse, I realize that most days I walk through this life with little thought on how my sin separates me from God.  I struggle with self-awareness of my sins yet this verse helps me to see my own sins more closely.  I think that starting each day reciting this verse would help me be more aware as I walk through my day.  Then to turn around and recite John 3:16!  What a way to start my day!

How do you start your day?  Do you recite a verse?  I would love to hear about it!

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

God is Our Refuge

"....God is our refuge and strength, an ever-present help in times of trouble."  Psalm 46:1

Is anyone else just automatically comforted by that verse?  Every time I read it I feel peace and joy washes over me.  My God is ever-present!  My God is my strength!  My God is my refuge!  Glory Hallelujah!!!
If you ever turn on the television, you can see the violence, the deterioration of our world through sin.  You can see those who are starving for a bite to eat.  You can hear stories and see images of those hurting or mourning.  If you turn on your computer and open up your Facebook, you can read the statuses of your friends who are hurting or in a battle with sin.  Many of you even know people who are in bad health or even battling for their lives.  Yet with all the "bad" that is out there, God tells us assuredly that He is our refuge and strength, an ever-present help in times of trouble.  He, alone, can shoulder all of our health problems.  He, alone, can lift heavy burdens.  He, alone, can defeat the enemy.  He, alone, can help us in times of trouble.  What does He require of us?  Our faith and trust in Him.  That's it.
I encourage you today to lay out your troubles to the Lord today.  Allow Him to be your strength and refuge today and everyday!  May you find peace, joy, and love in His arms!

Friday, August 5, 2011

The Sin of Pride

"Then they said, 'Come, let us build ourselves a city, with a tower that reaches to the heavens, so that we may make a name for ourselves; otherwise we will be scattered over the face of the earth."  Genesis 11:4 (excerpt from 11:1-9)

The sin of pride has been around since Adam and Eve walked in the garden.  Pride can sometimes slip up on us, blinding us of our true intentions.  According to, the word "pride" means a high or inordinate opinion of one's own dignity, importance,merit, or superiority, whether as cherished in the mind or as displayed in bearing, conduct, etc.  I believe that the sin of pride is one sin that can be one sin that is not premeditated in our hearts.  I believe that sometimes we become prideful and only after God convicts us of the sin do we realize how our pride has overtaken us.  Other times, like in the case of the builders of the tower of Babel, we can seek out a prideful nature, seeking a high opinion of ourselves or our own importance.  The builders of the tower of Babel allowed the foundation of the tower to be built on pride.  They had one purpose for the tower -- to build a name for themselves.
I have been reading a wonderful book called "Gods and Kings" by Lynn Austin.  In it, King Ahaz is ruling over the land with a huge sense of pride.  King Ahaz is worshipping any god that comes along that he thinks will bless him.  He even offers his eldest son to the pit of fire as a sacrifice.  King Ahaz believes his title makes him superior and pride has taken hold of his heart.  As I continue to read through this book, I see how much pride can destroy not only your own heart but can also affect the lives of the people around you.  For King Ahaz, his position of leadership and sense of entitlement gave him an inflated sense of self and the foundation of his reign was pride.
Several years ago I had the privilege of serving in a leadership position in my former church.  I fell in love with the opportunity that God had placed in my life.  I loved serving with other women and feeling like I was doing what God had called me to do.  Yet I did have a battle over pride and my own prideful spirit at that time.  You see, while I was serving in this capacity of which I loved, I sometimes found myself thinking very highly of myself and the works that I had accomplished while serving.  I started allowing other women's compliments of my service to inflate my ego.  I remember a sermon that my pastor preached on those sneaky sins such as pride.  I remember sitting in that service thinking I don't think I have any such sin my own life.  Over that week, God began a full assault of conviction to get me to recognize my own sin of pride.  While my head was being inflated with compliments and cherishing in my own mind, my heart was turning dark.  God worked that entire week to get me to acknowledge my sin and turn from it.
Sometimes we seek to make a name for ourselves.  Many times we seek to crave an inflated sense of importance and merit.  Yet in other instances, the actions we take hide the foundation of pride underneath, and we find ourselves acknowledging the prideful heart after much prayer and realization of the conviction of God.  Whatever has created a Prideful Heart in your life, I pray that you will allow God to show it to you, acknowledge its presence, and seek His forgiveness.  All praise and glory to the One who earned it!

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Listen and Act

"Do not merely listen to the word, and so deceive yourselves.  Do what it says."  James 1:22 NIV

I open my Bible, read a few passages, say a short prayer, and move on with my day.  I feel proud of myself for a moment as I check my quiet time off my list.  I look down in judgment over those who don't have a daily time with the Lord and find myself even saying a quick prayer for those I deem to be "in need" or "out of God's will."
It is very easy to be prideful, feeling as we have done a good deed by reading a few passages and spending a moment with God.  Yet have we really learned anything?  Did our actions during the day prove that we had listened to the Lord?
James 1:22 we are commanded to go further -- do not just listen to the word but DO what it says!  Put those words into action.  Let the world see Jesus in your heart.  God did not call us into His Kingdom just to sit in a pew and "soak" up the Word.  He commanded that we place His Word in our hearts, go out into the world and preach the gospel, seeking to save the lost and bring all the praises to the Lord.  Have you fulfilled your duty today?

Thursday, July 28, 2011

Sin that So easily Entangles.....

“Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a great cloud of witnesses, let us throw off everything that hinders and the sin that so easily entangles. And let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us," Hebrews 12:1

Man, did I need to hear this one!  I have really been praying and actively seeking to do better on time management at home.  My at home business is booming and I love it so much I could work all day on it.  I have to watch the clock and no allow my home and family to suffer while lost in a time warp of work.  God laid this verse out before me yesterday, and I knew it was a confirmation for me in my life right now.
Yet, your challenge before you may not be time management.  You may be finding it hard to have quiet time with the Lord every day because of the daily snares that "entangle" your time and energy.  You may be finding it hard to attend church on Sundays or Wednesdays because other things in your life seem to get in the way.  You may be disobeying God by not serving in the church as He desires because you think you have too much on your plate.  Or you may be struggling with a sin that you still have no confessed and is, therefore, keeping you from serving God the way you should.  Whatever your snares are, I pray that you will meditate over this verse this week and pray for God's help in "throw(ing) off everything that hinders and the sin that so easily entangles."

Dear Lord, thank you for your everlasting love.  Thank you for always loving and longing for us when we seem so far away from your will.  I pray that you will help me cast off all the things that keep my mind, my time, and my energy away from you and your will.  Help me to persevere in the race of life.  Amen.

Monday, July 25, 2011

God Ordains Marriage

"For this reason, a man will leave his father and mother and be united to his wife, and they will become one flesh."  Genesis 2:24

This verse if often referenced in such debates as homosexuality or polygamy.  I, however, want to focus our thoughts today on the sanctity of marriage.  Those of you who are married can easily remember the day that you pledged your life and love to your spouse.  We can easily remember the decorations, the food, and even most of the people in attendance.  Yet how many of us remember the vows we took?  How many of us remember the gravity of the words we spoke that day as we pledged our love to the one across from us?
As I look around today, it appears that more and more young adults feel the desire to have a wedding more than the desire to be married.  As young women we dream of the perfection of the wedding day and how we will feel.  For young men we see it as a right of passage.  Yet it often seems as though we fail to see the future and how our lives will be forever linked as "one flesh."  I had a young person tell me not long ago that as she looked around at her friends who are newly married and headed for divorce, she believes that too many times young people are running into marriage with little commitment to stay when times get rough.  Divorce is an easy way out too many times for her friends.
For those of you who have been married for years, you know that there are times when the going is great and others when it takes both of you standing firm to make it through.  I pray that you always remember that your spouse is your forever partner.  Though you've been married a year or 70, your faith must be in the Lord, your love in your mate, and your backdoor barred shut!  Remember that God ordained marriage --- your marriage.  For better or for worse......for richer for sickness and in health.
Dear Lord, we pray that your blessings pour over those who call you Father.  We pray blessings over our marriages and our marriage beds.  We pray that we, along with our spouses, turn to you in times of need.  Thank you, Father, for sanctifying our marriage and gifting us with a devoted love with a partner for life.  Amen.

Friday, July 22, 2011

The God Who Heals

"I am the Lord who heals you."  Exodus 15:26

All of us have had a friend or family member ask for our prayers for their health or even healing.  We often come to God on behalf of others with a confident faith that He will heal if it is His will.  Yet how many times have you found yourself as the one begging for prayers for healing?  Maybe the healing isn't for yourself but for your husband or children.
Often when we come to God with our own prayers of healing, we seem to become less confident in God's willingness to hear our prayers.  Read the following example and think if you have ever been in that same place:
Kevin was an educated, part time minister for a small country church in Alabama.  He often had calls from his church members seeking prayer or guidance.  He would end each night beside his bed in prayer for all the needs that were known to him and praying to the Lord with a confident heart.  
One day Kevin received a call that his wife of 2 years was in an accident and at the local hospital.  After arriving and speaking to the doctors, his wife's condition was grim.  Barring a "miracle" as the doctors put it, she would not make it through the night.  Kevin found the small chapel at the hospital and laid at the small altar begging God to hear his prayer of healing for his wife.  After several minutes, Kevin arose and sat on the pew behind him.  As he sat he thought back over his prayer to God.  For the first time that Kevin could remember he had come to God not with a confident heart but with one that was so unsure that God had even heard his prayer.  
Kevin got back on his knees and asked God to forgive him for his lack of faith when it came to prayers for one of his own.  He prayed, then, with a more confident heart and asked God's provision to be on his wife.  There was a knock on the door, and Kevin turned to find the doctor in the doorway.  He asked Kevin to come with him to his wife's room.  As Kevin tried to ask the doctor several questions about his wife's condition, the doctor told him that he needed to show him the answers.  As they walked into his wife's room, he noticed that the monitors that seemed to show erratic functioning of his wife's organs had calmed.  He looked at the doctor.  The doctor smiled and said, "Whatever prayer you have been saying, you need to keep it up.  She seems to be responding much better than we initially thought.  She may just have a chance to pull out of this after all."  
Kevin pulled up a chair to his wife's bed.  He stationed himself beside her, praying confidently that the Lord would provide and heal as He saw fit.  After 22 days, Kevin helped his wife slowly up the walkway to their home.  Thankful not only that she was alive but that he had a renewed relationship with the Lord, Kevin invited his congregation to gather in his yard to sing the praises of the Lord that very night!

While doctors do what they can, it is only the Lord who can heal you eternally.  I pray if you ever find yourself in need of the Healer, you will look toward heaven!

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Where Does Your Ministry Begin?

"Tell ye your children of it, and let your children tell their children, and their children another generation."  Joel 1:3

I love to read other devotions from different Christian writers and speakers.  I recently read a devotion by Charles Spurgeon based on this very verse.  I loved what he said --- "To teach our children is a personal duty.  We cannot delegate it to Sunday School teachers" or other aids.  I completely agree.  Too many times parents allow the church and those who volunteer in it to teach their children about the Lord, never taking the time themselves to teach these young minds about what the Lord has done for them as their parents.  Parents have a huge influence over there small children.  As toddlers and young children, parents are like super heroes.  These years are most important, and we should never allow others to teach our children what we should be teaching them ourselves.  Don't think that you are alone in this belief because Charles Spurgeon declared, "he is a bad preacher who does not commence his ministry at home."  Each and every one of us should invest time and interest into teaching our children about the Lord so that they can, in turn, teach their own children one day.  How can we expect our children to understand a personal relationship with God if we don't show them our own when they are young?

Monday, July 11, 2011

Praying for the Sinner

"For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God, and all are justified freely by his grace through the redemption that came by Christ Jesus."  Romans 3:23-24 (NIV)

Sin is alive and well in the world today.  We all know people in our lives that we continue to pray for as they battle through different sins that may ensnare them daily.  We, as Christians, find ourselves satisfied that we have prayed for the "sinners" around us, asking God to forgive them and help them see their shortcomings.
I know this woman who is a great and loyal friend, but who can be prideful and self-righteous many times in our conversations.  This woman can be judgmental at times and entertains gossip more than she should.  You see, the one thing I have prayed about with this woman is the fact that she continues to deny her own sin.  She can immediately see the sins of others yet fails to admit her own sin.  She often brushes off her sin as an accident or an indiscretion, which a quick "my bad" can fix.
If you haven't already guessed this woman is actually me.  Yes, I, like you, am a sinner. It is just as easy for me to overlook my own sins as I sit back and judge the sins of others.  Romans 3:23 reminds us that we ALL have sinned.  Everyone of us has sin in our lives.  We ALL fall short of the glory of God.  Yet there is Hope!
If you stop at verse 23, you would assume that the verse would go on to say the following -- "For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God and now there will be hell to pay!"  Yet, verse 24 offers hope not damnation.  We are "justified freely by his grace!"  Praise the Lord!
As you spend time with Lord, don't just stop at praying for the other sinners in your lives.  Pray for the sinner in your own life!    

Friday, July 8, 2011

We Bow Down

"I will bow down toward your holy temple and will praise your name for your unfailing love and your faithfulness, for you have so exalted your solemn decree that it surpasses your fame."  Psalm 138:2

If you have turned on your TV or opened a news website in the past week, chances are you have been bombarded with feelings of pity, unimaginable sorrow, and even downright anger over many recent news stories.  From gunshots to disappearances to murders, our world is full of sin and sinners.  We often question how someone could hurt another or how one person could torment another without remorse.  Our hearts ache for the sorrows of others as they live with the pain of losing a loved one or having a loved one hurt by acts of violence.  It is completely normal for us, as humans, to be upset or to feel the pain of others in those situations.  Our hearts ache along with our neighbors for the wrongs of this world.
God knew that the world would one day be filled with darkness, and He proclaimed that His vengeance would come down upon those who turn their backs upon the Lord and take up with Satan.  One day each one of us will have to answer for the sins we have committed, whether it was the lie you told your parents or the torment of a classmate or the gossip about a neighbor.  To the Father, these are all the same as the people who commit murder!  God the Father hurts when we sin.  Yet He promised that one day, the darkness of this world would bow down to Him upon His return.
Until that time, I can only cling to the worlds of Psalm 138:2 because even in these dark days, God is always faithful.  He is always just.  He loves us with an unfailing love.  I pray that each one of us will turn to him and praise Him, bowing down to His holy temple, and thanking Him for saving us so that one day we can live in Glory with Him!
Dear Lord, we may not understand the sins of this world.  We look around us and see unjust acts and unpunished people yet we stand firm in the knowledge that you will return.  In the meantime, Lord, I pray that you hear our praise and thanksgiving for your unfailing love, your vast forgiveness, and your open arms.  Amen!

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

When Life Gets You Down

"I lift up my eyes to the hills, where does my help comes from?  My help comes from the Lord, the maker of heaven and earth." Psalm 121:1-2

Sally reported to work one day only to be given a pink slip after 10 years of faithful service to the company.  Johnny received some devastating news about his health after having what he thought was the flu.  Debbie received the news that her parents would need around the clock help, and she would have to think about placing them in a nursing home.  Mark's girlfriend thought she was pregnant, and now both of them were scared to death.  Patrick felt the Lord calling him into service yet he was discouraged by the many obstacles over the past year to seem to divert him from what God wanted him to do.
Do any of these scenarios make you think of your own crossroads?  Or maybe one of these people is you now. The words in Psalms 121:1-2 give me great hope in the times of life that seem to drag me down.  God never promised that life would be easy or that the choices in life would be easy.  Yet He did promise that He would be with you always!
"We are hard pressed on every side, but not crushed; perplexed but not in despair; persecuted but not abandoned; struck down but not destroyed."  2 Corinthians 4:8-9
We have a great promise from the Lord that if we place our faith and trust in Him, then we will find the promise of 2 Corinthians 4:8-9 to be true in our lives.  The devil, himself, seeks to drag us down and make us believe that God has abandoned us in our time of need, yet we know this to be untrue.  God not only is with us always but he understands our hurts.  He seeks to comfort us in our time of need if we only seek Him.
When the things in your life seem to be overwhelming, where will you turn first?  Where will you find peace and comfort?  Cling to the words of Psalm 121:1-2 and believe that God will see you through!

Friday, July 1, 2011

Happy 4th of July!

Happy Independence Day to you all!  I pray that you remember from where your freedom comes -- a Risen Savior -- as well as those who continue to fight for our nation's freedom.  Take a few moments today to appreciate those who put themselves in harm's way as well as their families, who sacrifice here at home as well!  Thank you to all my friends and family in the military!  My prayers are with you all!

Thursday, June 30, 2011

Guest Post: Spiritual Blindness

A big Thanks to Tiffany over at Our Daily Bread, who wrote about Spiritual Blindness in her blog.  I was so moved by her words that I decided to post it here as well.

John 9:41 – “Jesus said unto them, If ye were blind, ye should have no sin; but now ye say, We see; therefore your sin remaineth.”

Take a moment to head over to Our Daily Bread and meditate on the spiritual blindness that may be in your own life!  

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Being Patient

"The Lord is not slow in keeping His promise, as some understand slowness.  Instead He is patient with you, not wanting anyone to perish, but everyone to come to repentance."  2 Peter 3:9

I cannot tell you how many times I have prayed to the Lord about a certain person or situation and had to wait for an answer.  I would like to tell you that I waited patiently each time; however, I know I did not.  I believe that many of you have felt the same way.  God does not always answer our prayers right away, and many times we are found waiting.  If we are not strong in our faith or lack the patience God requires, we begin to doubt that God is listening to our prayers or doesn't even care.  This is so far from the truth.  God hears each and every prayer.  Not only does He hear our prayers but He listens.  He listens with an open heart.  He may not answer our prayers right away nor may He answer our prayers the way we want Him too; however, this does not mean that He does not care or does not listen.
I am so thankful for this verse in 2 Peter.  The Lord is not slow but instead He is patient with us!  Thank You Lord!  Many times I have a problem with patience and being patient with the Lord.  Yet the Lord is patient with us!  He is patient when we go against His promises.  He is patient when we try to run from Him.  He is patient when we seek our own ways instead of His.  He is a patient, loving God.  Thank Him today for His patience with you!

Monday, June 27, 2011

Being A Vessel

"He [Moses] regarded disgrace for the sake of Christ as of greater value than the treasures of Egypt, because he was looking ahead to his reward.  By faith he left Egypt, not fearing the king's anger; he persevered because he saw him who was invisible."  Hebrews 26-27

If you think back to Moses' journey in Exodus, you will remember that Moses was raised by Pharoah's daughter.  Years later as he was traveling, he saw an Egyptian beating a Hebrew. Take a few minutes to read the account in Exodus 2: 11-12.  Moses, attempting to rescue one of his own, killed the Egyptian and buried him.  Moses fled Egypt and Pharoah's wrath.  Years later as God called on Moses to save his people, Moses felt unworthy.  He had sinned against God.  He had committed murder.  How could God not only forgive him but call upon him to do God's work?
When God called me to lead a women's ministry at a previous church, I will be honest in saying I was excited but very hesitant.  I felt no only unworthy but unequipped.  I prayed many times asking if God really wanted me to do this.  How could I lead a group of women and be a leader, when my past was full of bad choices?  After much prayer, God gave me peace and began to fill my heart with confidence.  Over the course of a year, He began to show me how I could be used as a vessel to do His work, just as He had called upon Moses.  So even when you doubt yourself, never let your past keep you from serving God in the future!
Have you ever prayed for God to send "someone else" to be a vessel for His work?  Have you prayed for a friend who may be lost asking for God to send someone to lead him/her to the Lord?  Maybe the Lord is actually wanting to send YOU!  You may not feel equipped or worthy, but God will fill you with all that you need if you only put your faith in Him!  Remember God did not call us to sit in a pew.  God calls each of us to be used in His service to spread the Good News.  Are you allowing God to use you?  Are you a Vessel for the Lord to use?
Lord, thank you for reminding us that you can use even the broken or damaged vessels to fulfill your purpose.  I pray that I will always be a willing vessel for you.  Thank you for your forgiveness and your love!  Amen

Monday, June 20, 2011

Confession is Good for the Soul

"Confess your trespasses to one another, and pray for one another, that you may be healed.  The effective, fervent prayer of a righteous man avails much."  James 5:16

Once there was a little girl who quizzed her father saying, "Daddy, when you were a little boy, did you ever do something to hurt someone's feelings?"  Daddy looked at her, "Yes, baby, I did."  The little girl stopped and thought and then said, "But Daddy, did you have to say you were sorry?"  Daddy shakes his head and his daughter continues, "I told my friend I was sorry for hurting her feelings today, and guess what!  My heart felt better!"
Each one of us have committed sin, whether intentionally or not.  Many times our sins affect other people and consequences may soon follow.  As Christians, God commands us to confess our sins to others for two reasons.  First, confession allows others to see God's grace through our lives.  Second, we are healed from the weight and shame of our sins.  To any non-Christian, confessing our sins and asking for forgiveness reveals a heart changed by a merciful God.  Only the grace of God allows you as a Christian to be able to confess your sins and be cleansed.  This cleansing takes away any shame and hurt in your own heart from your sin.  So, in effect, your heart will feel better too!
Take a moment to think of the people you have wronged.  Think of the people that you need to confess your sins to and ask forgiveness from.  Pray for God to grant you courage to seek out these people and confess your sins so that your own heart may be healed!

Friday, June 17, 2011


"As a father has compassion on his children, so the Lord has compassion on those who fear him." Psalm 103:13
"Listen, my sons, to a father's instruction; pay attention and gain understanding." Proverbs 4:1

With Father's Day approaching, I thought it would be a good idea to share a word on Fathers.   I heard on the radio this morning that the average American spends $175 on at Mother's Day but only $100 at Father's Day.  While I also believe that Mother's Day is important, I also believe that Fathers should be celebrated and cherished just as much.
The Bible gives clear instruction on the roles of fathers, and how, as children, we should learn from our fathers.  Proverbs 4:1 commands us to gain understanding from our fathers.  I think back to my childhood as my father tried to teach me to play softball.  I am still not sure which of us was more at a disadvantage!  Then when I was 15 years old and ready to start learning to drive, my Daddy took me out for some driving and parking lessons.  Now when anyone complains about the way I drive, I blame it on my Daddy!
Thankfully, my father was also there in my times of need.  When I had really messed up or made a bad decision, my father was there.  Sometimes his presence meant discipline.  Other times he was there with a hug and loads of compassion.   I know now that my Daddy only wanted the best for me.  As I now have a daughter of my own, I understand the parents heart for their children to do better and be better than they themselves once were going up.
 Above is my Daddy and my daughter back at Thanksgiving last year.  I am so thankful to still have my parents in my life!  I want to challenge you to celebrate your Fathers this Father's Day like never before.  Whether still on this earth or not, find a way to celebrate what they meant to you!
Happy Father's Day, Daddy!  Thank you for your selflessness, the way you have always provided for us, and for always loving us! We love you!!!
And last but certainly not least, Happy Father's Day to my wonderful husband!  You are an Awesome Daddy to our baby girl!  Thanks for always providing for us and loving us so much!!!  We love you!

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Love and Marriage

"Husbands, love your wives, just as Christ loved the church and gave himself up for her."  Ephesians 5:25

Our pastor recently spoke about marriage.  His sermons were inspiring to me in many ways, and my husband and I sometimes felt he was speaking directly to us!  Yet, the most interesting observation of the marriage sermon was from my six-year-old daughter.
The pastor made a comment in his sermon that "husbands and wives should love each other more than they love their children."  My daughter, if she caught nothing else in that sermon, caught that one statement and found issue with it.  One night at bedtime she said, "Mama, I think I need to pray for the preacher because I don't like what he said.  God needs to have a talk with him!"  She questioned me for weeks about this one statement.  This past Sunday, she cornered the pastor before the service and wanted to hear his explanation.  He graciously responded to her, "If your parents love each other they way Christ loved the church, they will love you more than anyone else in the world."  That made her happy!
Marriage is not a destination but a journey, and one that you should take with the one person you cannot live without!  God loved us so much that He gave up His Son for us.  Stop and think about that statement.  Now do you love your spouse as much as Christ loved the church?  Are you and your spouse an example for your children of what a godly marriage should look like?

Monday, June 13, 2011

Praise Him!

"The heavens declare the glory of God; the skies proclaim the work of his hands.  Day after day they pour forth speech; night after night they reveal knowledge."  Psalm 19:1-2

As I read this verse, I remembered all the times I have laid out on the grass and stared up at the sky.  From cloud shapes to the birds of flight, I love staring up to the sky and taking in the peacefulness of the moment.  There are even days I look into the eyes of my daughter, and I feel I see God's love gleaming back at me.
I am often amazed at how people here on this earth can look upon the things of this earth and not see God's hand in them.  I ask myself how can people look at a rainbow and not see the Lord?  How can people look upon waterfall and not see the Lord?  Better yet, how can someone watch as a child is born and not see it as a miracle from God?
The Bible tells us that even the heavens declare God's glory!  The skies even proclaim the work of his hands!  If the sky can proclaim His glory, what is stopping us?  Take a few moments today to stand in awe of the Lord's work around you.  Praise Him for the works of His hands in your life.  Pour forth your praises each day just as the heavens declare His name!

Monday, June 6, 2011

Are You An Encourager?

"Therefore encourage one another and build each other up, just as in fact you are doing." 1 Thessalonians 5:11

As I meditated on this verse, I soon realized that words of affirmation is not my spiritual gift to others.  I really have to think about praising someone or put my mind on encouraging words because it does not come to me automatically.  Honestly, I am probably too selfish, only thinking of myself.  I can sit here and think of at least 5 ladies who are encouragers.  They are gifted with discernment and can build someone up with their words.  Then I think about my husband whose love language is words of affirmation, and again, I think about how I fall short!
God, knowing our gifts and shortcomings, commanded that we encourage one another as in 1 Thessalonians.  Encouraging words can lift a broken spirit, can inspire a passionate heart, and interject love into a relationship.  There are several verses where God talked about encouraging one another: 2 Corinthians 13:11, 1 Thessalonians 4:18, and Hebrews 3:13 to name a few. God knows the importance of encouragement in friendships, marriage, and even as a parent!
Think about your heart.  Are you instinctively an encourager?  Do you seek to build others up with your words? Or are you like me and this is one of your shortcomings?
Lord, I pray that you reveal to me the people that need encouragement and use me to build others up.  May my words bring you glory.  Help me to be more discerning when it comes to people who need encouragement.  Thank you, Lord, for using words of encouragement from others in my own life!  Amen  

Saturday, June 4, 2011

The Comforter

"You are my Comforter in sorrow, my heart is faint within me." Jeremiah 8:18

Today my heart is heavy.  My friends, Rob and Kelly McCormick, held onto their little boy for the last time watching as he took his last breath here on earth.  My heart is broken for their pain and sorrow yet I cling to God's promises that He will be my Comforter in times of sorrow!
I believe that God understands sorrow quite well.  I believe that God felt sorrow as Christ was crucified on the cross.  It is because He felt the pain and sorrow of death that He can be the God of all Comforts that we need here on earth.
I admire Kelly and her strength these past few months as she cared for Peyton, and even in the past couple of days as she prepared to say goodbye.  Since we met earlier this year, Kelly has stood on the promise that God has a plan for Peyton's life.  When she found out she was pregnant in the midst of Peyton's battle, she still was determined to cling to the promise of Jeremiah 29:11 each day.  As I watched Kelly each day, my faith began to grow stronger.  As I heard the news of Peyton's passing yesterday, I could hear Kelly reciting the words of Jeremiah 29:11 in my mind.
So today, please remember this family and pray for them in the days and weeks ahead.  May you find comfort and strength in the Lord in your own lives!  I pray that Peyton's story stays with you forever!

Friday, June 3, 2011

Please Pray!

I ask that you take today to pray for a little boy named Peyton and his parents.  Peyton has struggled with a form of brain cancer for several months and his journey here on earth is nearing an end.  Please pray for comfort and peace for Peyton and his family.  Please check out his story at and  if led, leave a comment of prayer for them.
Lord, thank you for your daily provision.  Thank you for always holding our hands and comforting our hearts in even our darkest hours.  I pray for little Peyton and his family in his final days/hours.  May Peyton be at peace and not be afraid.  May he find your open arms comforting and may he pass on to you at your appointed time.  Please be with his parents and family as they prepare to say goodbye here on earth.  Thank you for the promise that one day we will be reunited in heaven if we only believe!

Thursday, June 2, 2011

Have You Given HIM Joy?

"Surely you have granted him unending blessings and made him glad with the joy of your presence." Psalm 21:6

I came across this verse and I had to stop and dwell on it a few minutes.  I thought back on my busy life the last couple of weeks -- the end of school, our mini vacation, and even Alex's birthday party just to name a few.  Did I stop amongst the business of my life to even make time for the Lord?  Did I make the Lord "glad with the joy of [my] presence?"
I truly believe that this day in time is on of the busiest for families.  From work and school to ball games or dance lessons, our families are running from one place to another each and every day it seems.  The joke is that summer is supposed to be a time of relaxation and rest; however, many of us are still on the roads, still busy with the activities of life.  I know in my own life that I struggle with time management.  I struggle with making time for the priorities in my life.  Sadly, as I get busy during the day my time spent with God usually can shift to the back burner quickly.  If you are like me, I usually put my own priorities behind everyone else's needs.  So Mama takes care of everyone else before herself.  This is one example of when Satan can come and start chipping away at your day or your time so that you start to neglect the things of God.  One day turns into two.  One week turns into two weeks and so on.
I think about Psalm 21:6 and I break it into two parts.  First, have I granted God "unending blessings" today? Have I blessed Him or even praised Him for His provisions?  I cannot help but stop and begin to think about my blessings today and start thanking the Lord for his blessings.  I hope that I have been a blessing to Him today!
Then I ponder the latter part of the verse more.  "....made him glad with the joy of your presence." says the definition of Joy is "the emotion of great delight or happiness caused by something exceptionally good or satisfying; keen pleasure; elation."  Wow!  When you put it that way, I am suddenly unsure if I could ever bring great delight or happiness to the Lord.  Am I living my life in a way that brings Him Joy?
What about you?  Have you given Him joy lately?  Has your life brought him the emotion of great delight lately?  Has the Lord found pleasure in your presence?  If not, I pray that you make it right with the Lord today!  

Tuesday, May 31, 2011

I Will Give You Rest

"Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest."  Matthew 11: 27-29

You may have noticed my absence the last few days, and yes, I was one of the thousands who found a chair, some sand, and a good book.  And the rest was history!  My family set off for a great weekend in St Augustine, Florida, where we spent the majority of our time at the pool.  I hope that you and your family celebrated the weekend together as well!
My husband, who usually can't stop thinking about work, thanked me for planning this weekend vacation.  He said his mind needed to rest from all the stresses at work for just a little while.  This reminded me of Matthew 11:27-29 and the promises of God to give us rest.
Exodus 33: 14 says, "....My presence will go with you, and I (God) will give you rest."  I believe that even God knew the value of rest.  Even He rested on the 7th day!  Rest can be valuable for your body as well as your mind.  Your body, while built to last for many years, still needs rest.  Each night our bodies desire that much needed break whether a quick rest on the couch or even a good night's sleep in the bed!  Our minds also desire rest.  So many thoughts, worries, plans, and more race through our minds everyday.  So much gets crammed in at such speed that many times we struggle to remember it all!  If you are like me, I have many post-it notes and 2 calendars to help me remember it all.  Plus I have my husband who also tries to help me remember!
I hope that this summer you will take time to not only spend time with your family, but also to rest.  Find time to rest in whatever way works for you!  Lay on the couch with a good book or spend time in the tub with relaxing music while the door is locked for some much needed rest!  

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

The God of all Comforts

"The Spirit of the Sovereign LORD is on me, because the LORD has anointed me to proclaim good news to the poor.  He has sent me to bind up the brokenhearted, to proclaim freedom for the captives and release from darkness for the prisoners, 2 to proclaim the year of the LORD’s favor and the day of vengeance of our God, to comfort all who mourn, 3 and provide for those who grieve in Zion— to bestow on them a crown of beauty instead of ashes, the oil of joy instead of mourning, and a garment of praise instead of a spirit of despair. 
They will be called oaks of righteousness, a planting of the LORD for the display of his splendor."  Isaiah 61:1-3

If anyone has ever had to mourn the loss of a loved one, then you hopefully find great comfort from the words of Isaiah.   I have been blessed by God to have only experienced 3 people very dear to me to depart this earth in my lifetime -- my great-grandmother "Big Granny," my Grandpa, and my Papa.  In almost 35 years, I have been truly blessed to have had so many loved ones still a part of my life -- and now a part of my daughter's life.  The picture above was taken when Alex was a baby (around 6 months old), and I am so very thankful for it!
My Papa died this past February, and his death has been a blow to our family.  He was the hardest working man that I know.  He had a heart for others and tried to use what God had blessed him with to reach out to help others who were in dire straights.  There are days that I think of him and just smile.  I remember the love and laughter he brought to our lives.  Then there are other days that I sit and cry because I miss him so much!
I found this verse again this morning after remembering it from the Esther study by Beth Moore.  I find so much comfort in knowing that the Lord will bind up the brokenhearted, that He will comfort all who mourn.  I believe that God understands our heartache and completely understands our grief.  Yet He also wants us to know that He is the God of all comforts and will provide those who grieve the "oil of joy instead of mourning."  While your heartache may be very real, it doesn't have to consume you.  It does not have to make you a prisoner of your grief.  God will release you from darkness and place on you a "garment of praise instead of a spirit of despair."
Have you recently lost a loved one and need encouragement?  Have you been made a prisoner by grief?  Look to the Lord, the God of all Comforts, to restore your life -- not to forget but to forever remember with praise in your heart.

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Where There Is Hope...

"Be strong and take heart, all of you who hope in the Lord."  Psalm 31:24

If you have turned on any type of media lately, you have definitely seen the devastation in our lands over the past year.  From earthquakes, tsunami warnings, tornado outbreaks, to tornado fatalities the devastation goes on and on.  As I awoke Monday morning, I found the news of the day was yet another tornado in the Midwest.  The pictures told a tale of complete devastation and the loss of life was unbelievable.  I am sure that your initial reaction was much like my own -- sorrow and sadness.
Yet my next reaction was of prayer but maybe not for what you think.  You see, I began to pray that the Lord show Himself to the world before our time here on earth comes to an end.  I see the people on the television who seem to be lost in sorrow and devastation, and I pray for them.  I pray for their hearts.  I pray for their health.  I pray Psalm 31:24 into their lives.
I love Job 11:18 -- "You will be secure, because there is hope; you will look about you and take your rest in safety."  If anyone understands complete sorrow and sadness that comes with a life devastated, then it would be Job.  Yet Job had hope in the Savior of the world.  Job had hope in his God.
There are numerous verses in the Bible that speak of hope.  Below are some of my favorites.
-- Psalm 33:20  "We wait in hope for the Lord; he is our help and our shield."
-- Psalm 33:23  "May your unfailing love be with us, Lord, even as we put our hope in you."
-- Psalm 62:5  "Yes, my soul finds rest in God; my hope comes from him."
-- Isaiah 40:31  "but those who hope in the Lord will renew their strength...."
Have you ever experienced sorrow and sadness?  Have you ever been in the pit and felt your life was in complete devastation?  Have you ever held onto your hope in the Lord and found your way into His grace and mercy and have a testimony to share?
May the Lord be with the people of Joplin, Missouri as well as the areas affected across the South from the previous outbreak of tornadoes.  May they find rest in His comforting arms.

Monday, May 23, 2011

Indulging the Flesh

"You, my brothers and sisters, were called to be free.  But do not use your freedom to indulge the flesh; rather, serve one another humbly in love."  Galatians 5:13

Our pastor is currently speaking on a sermon series about the Holy Spirit.  He said something today that fit in with this idea so I thought I would borrow it!  He said, "When you became saved in Christ Jesus, God gave you a new nature; however, He left the old nature there.  That is why we struggle with our flesh."  I had never really thought of it like that.
Here in Galatians, God is confirming that we as His children were called to be free.  Free!  We aren't to be bound by sin or desires of the flesh.  Our fleshy nature is innate.  Our culture teaches us if we want something, we should have it.  If you want something bad enough, you should have it right now.  Our nature is to satisfy our "momentary" desires.  Think about that.  Desires of the flesh usually only satisfy us for a moment.  God's freedom  and grace will satisfy us forever.
Galatians 5:13 goes further saying that instead of indulging in the flesh, we should "serve one another humbly in love."  What if God had put a period after the phrase "serve one another" instead?  I believe that God knew just telling us to serve would only give us permission to do a duty instead of honoring Him fully.  So he said, "serve one another humbly in love."  It is one thing to serve but yet another to serve humbly in love.  To serve humbly in love requires us to turn away from the flesh, turning from our own desires.
When is the last time God asked you to "serve one another?"  Did you respond to His calling and serve "humbly in love?"

Saturday, May 21, 2011

Looking Back and Saying Thanks

"May the God who gives endurance and encouragement give you the same attitude of mind toward each other that Christ Jesus had, so that with one mind and one voice you may glorify the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ."  Romans 15:5-6

As my daughter's year in Kindergarten comes to an end, I can't help but look back at how far she has come.  Our family moved to a new city last June.  My daughter was very hesitant, to say the least, to start school with a room full of children she had never met.  We had prayed since our move that God would give us peace and encouragement along the way as our journey was filled with anxiousness.  Upon meeting Alex's teacher that first day, I knew our prayers had been answered.
I look back now as the year comes to a close and I can't help but be thankful and praise God for his provision.  I know without a doubt that God led us in this journey.  I can only hope that we have given Him the praises He deserves along the way.
Along this year long journey, I hope that my family has been an example of "endurance and encouragement" and that God received all the glory along the way.  I am so proud to say that while the journey has not been easy (and it's not over), God has provided beyond our expectations.  Praise God whom all blessings flow!

Thursday, May 19, 2011

Cry Out to the Lord

"Evening, and morning, and at noon, will I pray, and cry aloud: and he shall hear my voice." Psalm 55:17

I look around me day to day and see people hurting or lives in devastation.  I have friends whose marriages are in turmoil, whose hearts are broken, and whose children are suffering.  I have been diligently praying for a friend and her family who has a child with a brain tumor.  He is one of the sweetest little boys with a love of all things Buzz Lightyear and Lightning McQueen (Disney movies)! As I have gotten to know this family, I have been struck by my friend's complete trust in the Lord even in these dark days for her son.  I have been in awe of her as she struggles day to day with exhaustion and yet manages to have the joy and peace knowing that God will give her what she needs to get through each day.  It has become apparent that this sweet child's life here on earth will be short-lived yet his impact will be felt for years.  He has already taught me so much, and I am so thankful that God allowed me to share a glimpse into this family's life.  
I have often said that I will never understand how people without God are able to stand in the darkest of valleys.  I am so thankful that the Lord, the God of all comforts, gives us Psalm 55:17 to remind us that he will hear my voice when I cry out to Him.  In the darkest of days, my Lord will still be there and will hear my prayers and my cry to Him.  
Think about the valley that you may be in right now.  Have you prayed and cried out to the Lord?  Are you afraid He won't hear you?  Read aloud Psalm 55:17 and allow God to comfort you and bring you out of the valley.