Monday, July 25, 2011

God Ordains Marriage

"For this reason, a man will leave his father and mother and be united to his wife, and they will become one flesh."  Genesis 2:24

This verse if often referenced in such debates as homosexuality or polygamy.  I, however, want to focus our thoughts today on the sanctity of marriage.  Those of you who are married can easily remember the day that you pledged your life and love to your spouse.  We can easily remember the decorations, the food, and even most of the people in attendance.  Yet how many of us remember the vows we took?  How many of us remember the gravity of the words we spoke that day as we pledged our love to the one across from us?
As I look around today, it appears that more and more young adults feel the desire to have a wedding more than the desire to be married.  As young women we dream of the perfection of the wedding day and how we will feel.  For young men we see it as a right of passage.  Yet it often seems as though we fail to see the future and how our lives will be forever linked as "one flesh."  I had a young person tell me not long ago that as she looked around at her friends who are newly married and headed for divorce, she believes that too many times young people are running into marriage with little commitment to stay when times get rough.  Divorce is an easy way out too many times for her friends.
For those of you who have been married for years, you know that there are times when the going is great and others when it takes both of you standing firm to make it through.  I pray that you always remember that your spouse is your forever partner.  Though you've been married a year or 70, your faith must be in the Lord, your love in your mate, and your backdoor barred shut!  Remember that God ordained marriage --- your marriage.  For better or for worse......for richer for sickness and in health.
Dear Lord, we pray that your blessings pour over those who call you Father.  We pray blessings over our marriages and our marriage beds.  We pray that we, along with our spouses, turn to you in times of need.  Thank you, Father, for sanctifying our marriage and gifting us with a devoted love with a partner for life.  Amen.

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