Wednesday, September 9, 2015

I have moved!

I hope you will follow me over to my new blog location at!

Tuesday, September 8, 2015

Give it all to God

"But when you ask, you must believe and not doubt, because the one who doubts is like a wave in the sea, blown and tossed by the wind."  James 1:6

A young woman almost 8 months pregnant walks into a doctor's office for her regular appointment. After what appears to be routine blood work and ultrasound, the doctor tells her she is sending her for another test with a specialist.  The doctor has spotted what he believes to be a hole in her baby's heart and is a sign of Down Syndrome.  Over the next week, more tests are performed and even the specialist could not say for sure what she saw.  The doctor goes over all the scenarios and even the "challenges" of raising a baby with Down Syndrome.
The young woman and her husband do the only thing they know to do.  They pray.  This young woman bows herself before the Lord, begging Him to take care of her baby, no matter the result.  She already loves this baby no matter what health issues it may have.  This young mother-to-be freely gives her worry and anxiety away to the Lord.  She cries out for God to take away her worry, to not allow the devil to steal her joy over this baby, and to allow her to spend the rest of her life loving this baby.  She believes in the Lord.  She trusts the Lord.  She gives away her worry and leaves it at the altar of the Lord.
This young mother-to-be was me.  I cannot tell you that I knew that my baby girl would be fine, but I can tell you I knew that my God would take care of her.  My husband and I did the only thing we knew to do with all certainty --- give our fears and anxiety to the Lord.  For the rest of my pregnancy, I did not worry over those tests, over what my baby may or may not have, or even if we could care for a baby with Down Syndrome.  My God gave us joy and allowed us to spend the rest of my pregnancy in excited anticipation of our baby girl's arrival.
Were the doctors wrong?  Was there no hole in her heart?  Or did God work a miracle?  I can tell you that the doctors blamed refractions in the picture and every other possible malfunction of equipment and not one of them proclaimed a miracle.  But I can tell you that I believe God worked it all out for His good!  I didn't need my baby's birth to be proclaimed as a miracle in order for it to be special.  I just needed the Joy of the Lord and His unwavering love for me!
So when life hands you a burden that seems unbearable or when worry takes over, take it all to the Lord.  Take it and leave it at the altar.  You must not just take it to Him but leave it there.  He cannot bear it for you if you still try to keep it to worry over.  He wants to take it from you.  He wants to give you joy even in what seems like the darkest places, but you must give it all to Him.  When you do that, you may see miracles, but you will most definitely see the Hand of God and His unfailing Love for you!

Dear Lord, I pray that those who are walking in dark paths of worry and doubt will come to you with their fears and worries, that they will not only bring them to you but that they will leave them with you.  I pray that more and more of us will truly place our trust in you by giving our burdens to you.  Thank you for taking our burdens and replacing them with joy and love and grace.  Amen

Friday, September 4, 2015

The day of my Salvation......

"I delight greatly in the Lord; my soul rejoices in my God. For he has clothed me with garments of salvation and arrayed me in a robe of his righteousness, as a bridegroom adorns his head like a priest, and as a bride adorns herself with her jewels."  Isaiah 61:10

I know the day of my salvation.  I was just 10 years old in the middle of a revival at my home church.  I remember crying and not understanding why I am crying.  Yet I also remember a peace washing over me.  I remember feeling like I had been clothed with garments of salvation as he wrapped his arms around me.  
When my daughter was 6 years old, she was saved.  I am so thankful to have that assurance that I will be forever with her in heaven.  I am so thankful that Jesus is in her heart.  I am thankful she can proclaim: "God's got me."  
I've had a couple of friends whose children have gone far too early to be with the Lord.  My mind cannot fathom that pain, that heartache, that loss; yet my heart is exceedingly glad that I will see those children again because I know who lived in their hearts.  I delight greatly in the Lord.  
Isaiah 61:10 gives me peace when I read it.  This verse assures me of His great love for me.  The God of all creation loves me.  The God who rescues the lost loves me.  The God who created the land and the sea loves me.  The God who heals the brokenhearted loves me.  The God of forgiveness loves even me.

Dear Lord, I am so thankful for your love, your grace, and your mercy.  I am grateful for your garments of salvation and I pray for all my friends who do not have the assurance of salvation today.  I pray you use me as a witness for you, O Lord.  Amen

Thursday, September 3, 2015

I have never been more grateful until...

The Lord has done great things for us, and we are overjoyed.  Psalms 126:3

I have never been more grateful until yesterday for the ability to celebrate another birthday.  Though I have had a few trials over the last few years, I am grateful for being able to celebrate yet another year with my friends and family.
I love this verse from Psalms.  This has become my life verse after having a few health related trials myself as well as my husband and daughter.  I believe that your attitude can change the perspective of your own circumstances.  I want to share a story with you about a new mother who proclaimed this verse from Psalms in her worst circumstance...
"I remember the bright white lights as the doctors performed a C-section.  I remember sounds, yet the rest remains very foggy.  I remember my baby's face as she peaked across the curtain and the nurse escorting my baby girl and husband out of the operating room.  The next thing I remember is a doctor standing over me.  All I heard her say at first was "Did anyone tell her what happened?"  My eyes immediately shot open and I repeated over and over, "How is my baby?"  The doctor locked eyes with me and said, "Your baby girl is just fine.  Now you...."  Out I went again.  Yet I felt such a peace come over me in that moment that I had never felt before.  I proclaimed Psalms 126:3 over and over.  The next time I opened my eyes I saw my mother and my husband standing over me.  
Over the next several hours, I was wheeled into ICU, given a 50-50 chance to live, and had just a moment to see my baby girl's face. Yet I felt peace beyond my own understanding.  I felt peace that could only be from the Lord."
That young mother was actually me.  You see just 10 years ago, I was given a 50-50 chance to live, yet God gave me peace in the midst of a dark circumstance.  I believe that the peace given to me allowed me to have a very thankful and grateful heart no matter what was to come.
Today I am thankful for the gift of another birthday --- my 39th --- to celebrate with friends and family.  I choose to Celebrate!  You should too!
Have you told the Father how thankful you are today?

Dear Lord, thank you for another year to celebrate life.  Thank you for friends and family who help me celebrate.  Thank you for the peace that is beyond understanding and for giving us more than we deserve.  Amen

Wednesday, September 2, 2015

Is there Peace in your home?

The Lord gives strength to his people; the Lord blesses his people with peace.  Psalms 29:11

I will be honest and say that the mornings around our house can be quite stressful.  Though none of us are morning people, little has to be said to create a wake of chaos and short tempers.  From the missing homework to the spilt coffee to the empty tank of gas in the car on the way to school, little interruptions can cause a great stress in our house.
Too many times I have found myself taking a big sigh of relief after dropping my daughter off at school and entering a quiet house.  Then the guilt sets in.  I want my daughter or my husband to go off to school or work with a peaceful heart not the echoes of the stress of our morning.  
I am so thankful for Christ's example of a peaceful heart.  I recall in Matthew when Jesus went up to Gethsemane to pray that he left the disciples behind to keep watch.  After finding them asleep instead, Jesus did not lash out at them with a short temper or inflict his own stress upon them.  While I am positive he was disappointed in their actions and probably even a little frustrated, He showed grace.  
When is the last time I showed grace to my own family in the midst of my own frustrations or stress? 

Dear Lord, thank you for the grace that you show me each day.  I pray that I show grace to my family in the midst of my own stress or frustrations.  I pray that our house be filled with your peace.  Amen

Tuesday, September 1, 2015

My Story is His Story

"See what great love the Father has lavished on us, that we should be called children of God! And that is what we are! The reason the world does not know us is that it did not know him."  1 John 3: 2

I heard the song, "My Story" by Big Daddy Weave, on the radio recently.  The words struck me and have replayed over and over in my heart.  This song is based on the famous Fanny Crosby song called "Blessed Assurance" that you will find in most hymnals today.  I want to share the words to Big Daddy Weave's version.  Take a moment and let these words sink in to you today:
If I told you my story
You would hear Hope that wouldn't let go
And if I told you my story
You would hear Love that never gave up
And if I told you my story
You would hear Life, but it wasn't mine

If I should speak then let it be
Of the grace that is greater than all my sin
Of when justice was served and where mercy wins
Of the kindness of Jesus that draws me in
Oh to tell you my story is to tell of Him

If I told you my story
You would hear victory over the enemy
And if I told you my story
You would hear freedom that was won for me
And if I told you my story
You would hear Life overcome the grave

If I should speak then let it be
Of the grace that is greater than all my sin
Of when justice was served and where mercy wins
Of the kindness of Jesus that draws me in
Oh to tell you my story is to tell of Him

This is my story, this is my song
Praising my savior all the day long
This is my story, this is my song
Praising my savior all the day long

For the grace that is greater than all my sin
Of when justice was served and where mercy wins
Of the kindness of Jesus that draws me in
Oh to tell you my story is to tell
For the grace that is greater than all my sin
Of when justice was served and where mercy wins
Of the kindness of Jesus that draws me in
Oh to tell you my story is to tell of Him
Oh to tell you my story is to tell of Him

This is my story, this is my song
Praising my savior all the day long

I think I am so struck by this song because of my shortcomings.  You see, I don't believe that people see my story as a Christ story.  I don't believe my witness for Him is present enough in my everyday life.  I can see my story as a story about God's faithfulness, grace, and love; but can others see my story the way I do?  I want to be able to proclaim with boldness each day and say "To tell you MY story is to tell of Him!"  
Though I fail Him daily, I know my Father loves me.  Though I fail Him daily, I know my Father forgives me when I ask.  Though I fail Him daily, I know my Father is faithful.  Though I fail Him daily, I know my Father is merciful.  Though I fail Him daily, I know my Father still...loves...Me!  
Dear Lord, I pray for those today who do not know you.  I pray that I will be a witness for you today, that I can be useful as a servant of Christ.  Oh Father, I thank you for your mercy and grace though I fail you daily.  I thank you for saving my soul and giving me new life.  It is my goal to be able to proclaim with boldness each day "to tell of my story is to tell of YOU!"  Amen

Friday, August 28, 2015

Raising Daughters of Worth

"Now the king was attracted to Esther more than to any of the other women, and she won his favor and approval more than any of the other virgins. So he set a royal crown on her head and made her queen instead of Vashti."  Esther 2:17 

I want to share some startling statistics with you.  As a mother of a pre-teen daughter, reading these facts saddened me and put a fear in me as well.
* A girls self-esteem peaks at age 9
* Only 2% of women describe themselves as "beautiful."
* 62% of girls are insecure about themselves
* One in Four women will experience domestic violence in her lifetime.

When I think of these statistics, many emotions are conjured up.  Yet I also think of Esther.  Yes, the Esther that the Bible says was beautiful, brave and obedient.  Elizabeth George states in her book, "The Remarkable Women of the Bible," that God chose Esther to help save His people, the Jews.  She had acquired the beauty of being useful to God?  What does that mean?
Elizabeth George shares Esther's Beauty of Usefulness came from several aspects --- Heritage, Parentage, Tutelage, Advantage, and Homage.  (I encourage you to read this great book if you haven't before!)
The people around Esther only saw her outward beauty, but God was weaving so much more beauty in her life than even she probably knew.  I want to teach my daughter that outward beauty is not the ultimate goal, but the beauty of the heart.  From that beautiful, kind-hearted, and caring heart, I pray springs for the beauty of courage, the beauty of wisdom, and the beauty of love.
From a very young age, girls are taught to be beautiful you have to look a certain way and act a certain way.  If you do not measure up, you are shunned, devalued, and even overlooked completely. Our girls are taught that if others don't show them worth, they are truly worthless.  Why do we stand for that?  Why do we as parents stand by and let this negativity breed in our child's heart?
Those devalued and overlooked girls grow up to be women with little self-worth.  She becomes the girl that never saw herself as beautiful or worthy.  She becomes the woman who defines her worth by the way a man treats her.  She becomes the woman caught up in a relationship of violence.
It is time to share with our daughters the value that God places on them.  Our girls need to see the beauty that God sees in them.  Our girls need to know the beauty of courage, wisdom, and love!
Recently, I heard a mother say, "As for my girls, I will raise them to think they breath fire!"  What did she mean by this?  I think she wants to instill in her daughters that they are powerful; they are filled with courage; they are filled with worth; and they should accept no less from themselves.
What do you think?  Do you have daughters?  What do these numbers say to you?

Dear Lord, I pray for all the girls who feel worthless, for the women who grew up thinking they were not enough.  I pray for all the girls today who are not taught to see the beauty you have instilled in them.  I pray for all the women today caught up in relationships where they feel they have no value.  Lord, use me to reach out to these girls and women and be a beacon of hope and love in your name!  Amen

Thursday, August 27, 2015

Are you Disappointed by People?

Psalm 146:5   Blessed are those whose help is the God of Jacob whose hope is in the Lord their God.

I will always remember my Father saying, "When people want to, they will make time.  When they don't, they will make excuses."  Throughout my many, many years on this earth, my Father has reminded me of this.  People will disappoint you.  People will not show up.  People will make excuses.  People will hurt you.
They won't always mean to.  They won't always know that they have hurt you or even disappointed you.  Sometimes they will and they just won't care.
I had a friend who constantly would back out of things on me.  Whether it was a meet up at the gym or a lunch date, there always seemed to be an excuse for her absence.  At first, it hurt.  I felt disappointed every time she flaked.  After a while the disappointment ceased and the bitterness took over.  A wedge had been forming not only in our friendship but in my heart.  You see, I allowed the seed of bitterness to rob me of my joy.  I allowed one person's actions to disappoint and hurt me so that bitterness toward her robbed me of my joy for many days.  
God often gives me verses in times of need.  Psalm 146:5 is a blessing to me because it reminds me that my God is faithful.  He will never not show up for me.  He will never disappoint me.  He will never leave me alone.  My God is faithful!  My God is the God of Hope!  He takes my bitterness and exchanges it for Joy!  
Have you taken the time to pray over your disappointment?  Have you asked God to take away your hurt and maybe even bitterness and exchange it for joy?  Have you come to His throne with Faith and Hope?

Dear Lord, thank you for never disappointing me. Thank you for always showing up for me! Though I fail you daily, Lord, you never fail me!  Help me to forgive those who disappoint me.  I pray I look to you when I need someone steadfast, steady, and always present!   Amen

Wednesday, August 26, 2015

The Lord is Good

“The LORD is good, a stronghold in the day of trouble; and He knows those who trust in Him.”  Nahum 1:7

I have a friend whose daughter has suddenly become very anxious when she leaves the house.  Her daughter begs her to not leave and is fearful her mother will, for some reason, not return.
Irrational? Maybe.  Common? Yes.
Are you ever fearful?  What fears have a stronghold on your life?  Would you consider it irrational?

I find great comfort in this verse from Nahum.  Just look at the first 4 words --- "The Lord is good."  Yes, He is!  The Lord is good.  He is also a "stronghold."  He is a place that provides refuge against attack.  Yet often times I am so guilty of looking for refuge in my own strength.  I get so very frustrated with myself and find myself often discouraged and helpless.  How could I not look to the Lord first?  

My God has saved me from many trials, many poor choices, and many days of darkness.  My God is good.  He is good even to someone as undeserving as me.  He has given me chance after chance.  He has forgiven me more times that I can remember.  He has wiped away my sins forever because My God is good.  

Just like my friend's daughter, we all have fears.  We all have that one thing that holds us back, that keeps us from achieving our dreams, or that cripples us in our place.  Our fears are strong, yet My God is stronger!

My God "knows those who trust in Him!" Does He know you?  

Dear Lord, I pray today that anyone that does not know you will come and fall at your feet, confess their sins, and believe that you are the one, true God.  I pray that they will know that you are Good. Lord, use me as a vessel to share your goodness with others.  Amen

Tuesday, August 25, 2015

Is Your Busyness keeping you from His Peace?

“You will keep him in perfect peace, whose mind is stayed on You, because he trusts in You.” Isaiah 26:3

I am guilty.  I allow my busyness to consume me.  I am guilty of being caught up in every"thing" that takes up my time.  I realize I have the same 24 hours that everyone else has yet I seem to squander mine with unfulfilling activities.  I am guilty of spending too much time on social media.  I get sucked in so easily.  I jump on to take care of business or look at my own Facebook wall and get sucked in to everyone else's stories, lives, posts, and even the drama.  I become so consumed that what I thought would take 20 minutes actually lasts an hour.  My mind strayed away.  I did not stay focused.  
Then there are all the extra activities of our days.  From volleyball practices to doctor appointments to orthodontist visits, often our days are full of extra stuff.  I often feel rushed in getting dinner on the table, baths taken, and everyone in bed by 10pm.  Where did my day go?  I often feel overwhelmed and exhausted by the end of the day. 
The peace that God so freely gives to me is layered under all my piles of "stuff."  It takes me removing my own self-inflicted stuff that has made room in my life to find that peace that I've been trying so hard to find.  Yet, Isaiah tells me I need to keep my mind on Him!  My focus should be on the Lord.  My thoughts should be more of Him and less of Me!

Dear Lord, thank you so much for your perfect peace.  Help me to stay focused on You and what you have in store for me each day.  May my thoughts be more of YOU and less of Me!  Amen