Thursday, June 30, 2011

Guest Post: Spiritual Blindness

A big Thanks to Tiffany over at Our Daily Bread, who wrote about Spiritual Blindness in her blog.  I was so moved by her words that I decided to post it here as well.

John 9:41 – “Jesus said unto them, If ye were blind, ye should have no sin; but now ye say, We see; therefore your sin remaineth.”

Take a moment to head over to Our Daily Bread and meditate on the spiritual blindness that may be in your own life!  

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Being Patient

"The Lord is not slow in keeping His promise, as some understand slowness.  Instead He is patient with you, not wanting anyone to perish, but everyone to come to repentance."  2 Peter 3:9

I cannot tell you how many times I have prayed to the Lord about a certain person or situation and had to wait for an answer.  I would like to tell you that I waited patiently each time; however, I know I did not.  I believe that many of you have felt the same way.  God does not always answer our prayers right away, and many times we are found waiting.  If we are not strong in our faith or lack the patience God requires, we begin to doubt that God is listening to our prayers or doesn't even care.  This is so far from the truth.  God hears each and every prayer.  Not only does He hear our prayers but He listens.  He listens with an open heart.  He may not answer our prayers right away nor may He answer our prayers the way we want Him too; however, this does not mean that He does not care or does not listen.
I am so thankful for this verse in 2 Peter.  The Lord is not slow but instead He is patient with us!  Thank You Lord!  Many times I have a problem with patience and being patient with the Lord.  Yet the Lord is patient with us!  He is patient when we go against His promises.  He is patient when we try to run from Him.  He is patient when we seek our own ways instead of His.  He is a patient, loving God.  Thank Him today for His patience with you!

Monday, June 27, 2011

Being A Vessel

"He [Moses] regarded disgrace for the sake of Christ as of greater value than the treasures of Egypt, because he was looking ahead to his reward.  By faith he left Egypt, not fearing the king's anger; he persevered because he saw him who was invisible."  Hebrews 26-27

If you think back to Moses' journey in Exodus, you will remember that Moses was raised by Pharoah's daughter.  Years later as he was traveling, he saw an Egyptian beating a Hebrew. Take a few minutes to read the account in Exodus 2: 11-12.  Moses, attempting to rescue one of his own, killed the Egyptian and buried him.  Moses fled Egypt and Pharoah's wrath.  Years later as God called on Moses to save his people, Moses felt unworthy.  He had sinned against God.  He had committed murder.  How could God not only forgive him but call upon him to do God's work?
When God called me to lead a women's ministry at a previous church, I will be honest in saying I was excited but very hesitant.  I felt no only unworthy but unequipped.  I prayed many times asking if God really wanted me to do this.  How could I lead a group of women and be a leader, when my past was full of bad choices?  After much prayer, God gave me peace and began to fill my heart with confidence.  Over the course of a year, He began to show me how I could be used as a vessel to do His work, just as He had called upon Moses.  So even when you doubt yourself, never let your past keep you from serving God in the future!
Have you ever prayed for God to send "someone else" to be a vessel for His work?  Have you prayed for a friend who may be lost asking for God to send someone to lead him/her to the Lord?  Maybe the Lord is actually wanting to send YOU!  You may not feel equipped or worthy, but God will fill you with all that you need if you only put your faith in Him!  Remember God did not call us to sit in a pew.  God calls each of us to be used in His service to spread the Good News.  Are you allowing God to use you?  Are you a Vessel for the Lord to use?
Lord, thank you for reminding us that you can use even the broken or damaged vessels to fulfill your purpose.  I pray that I will always be a willing vessel for you.  Thank you for your forgiveness and your love!  Amen

Monday, June 20, 2011

Confession is Good for the Soul

"Confess your trespasses to one another, and pray for one another, that you may be healed.  The effective, fervent prayer of a righteous man avails much."  James 5:16

Once there was a little girl who quizzed her father saying, "Daddy, when you were a little boy, did you ever do something to hurt someone's feelings?"  Daddy looked at her, "Yes, baby, I did."  The little girl stopped and thought and then said, "But Daddy, did you have to say you were sorry?"  Daddy shakes his head and his daughter continues, "I told my friend I was sorry for hurting her feelings today, and guess what!  My heart felt better!"
Each one of us have committed sin, whether intentionally or not.  Many times our sins affect other people and consequences may soon follow.  As Christians, God commands us to confess our sins to others for two reasons.  First, confession allows others to see God's grace through our lives.  Second, we are healed from the weight and shame of our sins.  To any non-Christian, confessing our sins and asking for forgiveness reveals a heart changed by a merciful God.  Only the grace of God allows you as a Christian to be able to confess your sins and be cleansed.  This cleansing takes away any shame and hurt in your own heart from your sin.  So, in effect, your heart will feel better too!
Take a moment to think of the people you have wronged.  Think of the people that you need to confess your sins to and ask forgiveness from.  Pray for God to grant you courage to seek out these people and confess your sins so that your own heart may be healed!

Friday, June 17, 2011


"As a father has compassion on his children, so the Lord has compassion on those who fear him." Psalm 103:13
"Listen, my sons, to a father's instruction; pay attention and gain understanding." Proverbs 4:1

With Father's Day approaching, I thought it would be a good idea to share a word on Fathers.   I heard on the radio this morning that the average American spends $175 on at Mother's Day but only $100 at Father's Day.  While I also believe that Mother's Day is important, I also believe that Fathers should be celebrated and cherished just as much.
The Bible gives clear instruction on the roles of fathers, and how, as children, we should learn from our fathers.  Proverbs 4:1 commands us to gain understanding from our fathers.  I think back to my childhood as my father tried to teach me to play softball.  I am still not sure which of us was more at a disadvantage!  Then when I was 15 years old and ready to start learning to drive, my Daddy took me out for some driving and parking lessons.  Now when anyone complains about the way I drive, I blame it on my Daddy!
Thankfully, my father was also there in my times of need.  When I had really messed up or made a bad decision, my father was there.  Sometimes his presence meant discipline.  Other times he was there with a hug and loads of compassion.   I know now that my Daddy only wanted the best for me.  As I now have a daughter of my own, I understand the parents heart for their children to do better and be better than they themselves once were going up.
 Above is my Daddy and my daughter back at Thanksgiving last year.  I am so thankful to still have my parents in my life!  I want to challenge you to celebrate your Fathers this Father's Day like never before.  Whether still on this earth or not, find a way to celebrate what they meant to you!
Happy Father's Day, Daddy!  Thank you for your selflessness, the way you have always provided for us, and for always loving us! We love you!!!
And last but certainly not least, Happy Father's Day to my wonderful husband!  You are an Awesome Daddy to our baby girl!  Thanks for always providing for us and loving us so much!!!  We love you!

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Love and Marriage

"Husbands, love your wives, just as Christ loved the church and gave himself up for her."  Ephesians 5:25

Our pastor recently spoke about marriage.  His sermons were inspiring to me in many ways, and my husband and I sometimes felt he was speaking directly to us!  Yet, the most interesting observation of the marriage sermon was from my six-year-old daughter.
The pastor made a comment in his sermon that "husbands and wives should love each other more than they love their children."  My daughter, if she caught nothing else in that sermon, caught that one statement and found issue with it.  One night at bedtime she said, "Mama, I think I need to pray for the preacher because I don't like what he said.  God needs to have a talk with him!"  She questioned me for weeks about this one statement.  This past Sunday, she cornered the pastor before the service and wanted to hear his explanation.  He graciously responded to her, "If your parents love each other they way Christ loved the church, they will love you more than anyone else in the world."  That made her happy!
Marriage is not a destination but a journey, and one that you should take with the one person you cannot live without!  God loved us so much that He gave up His Son for us.  Stop and think about that statement.  Now do you love your spouse as much as Christ loved the church?  Are you and your spouse an example for your children of what a godly marriage should look like?

Monday, June 13, 2011

Praise Him!

"The heavens declare the glory of God; the skies proclaim the work of his hands.  Day after day they pour forth speech; night after night they reveal knowledge."  Psalm 19:1-2

As I read this verse, I remembered all the times I have laid out on the grass and stared up at the sky.  From cloud shapes to the birds of flight, I love staring up to the sky and taking in the peacefulness of the moment.  There are even days I look into the eyes of my daughter, and I feel I see God's love gleaming back at me.
I am often amazed at how people here on this earth can look upon the things of this earth and not see God's hand in them.  I ask myself how can people look at a rainbow and not see the Lord?  How can people look upon waterfall and not see the Lord?  Better yet, how can someone watch as a child is born and not see it as a miracle from God?
The Bible tells us that even the heavens declare God's glory!  The skies even proclaim the work of his hands!  If the sky can proclaim His glory, what is stopping us?  Take a few moments today to stand in awe of the Lord's work around you.  Praise Him for the works of His hands in your life.  Pour forth your praises each day just as the heavens declare His name!

Monday, June 6, 2011

Are You An Encourager?

"Therefore encourage one another and build each other up, just as in fact you are doing." 1 Thessalonians 5:11

As I meditated on this verse, I soon realized that words of affirmation is not my spiritual gift to others.  I really have to think about praising someone or put my mind on encouraging words because it does not come to me automatically.  Honestly, I am probably too selfish, only thinking of myself.  I can sit here and think of at least 5 ladies who are encouragers.  They are gifted with discernment and can build someone up with their words.  Then I think about my husband whose love language is words of affirmation, and again, I think about how I fall short!
God, knowing our gifts and shortcomings, commanded that we encourage one another as in 1 Thessalonians.  Encouraging words can lift a broken spirit, can inspire a passionate heart, and interject love into a relationship.  There are several verses where God talked about encouraging one another: 2 Corinthians 13:11, 1 Thessalonians 4:18, and Hebrews 3:13 to name a few. God knows the importance of encouragement in friendships, marriage, and even as a parent!
Think about your heart.  Are you instinctively an encourager?  Do you seek to build others up with your words? Or are you like me and this is one of your shortcomings?
Lord, I pray that you reveal to me the people that need encouragement and use me to build others up.  May my words bring you glory.  Help me to be more discerning when it comes to people who need encouragement.  Thank you, Lord, for using words of encouragement from others in my own life!  Amen  

Saturday, June 4, 2011

The Comforter

"You are my Comforter in sorrow, my heart is faint within me." Jeremiah 8:18

Today my heart is heavy.  My friends, Rob and Kelly McCormick, held onto their little boy for the last time watching as he took his last breath here on earth.  My heart is broken for their pain and sorrow yet I cling to God's promises that He will be my Comforter in times of sorrow!
I believe that God understands sorrow quite well.  I believe that God felt sorrow as Christ was crucified on the cross.  It is because He felt the pain and sorrow of death that He can be the God of all Comforts that we need here on earth.
I admire Kelly and her strength these past few months as she cared for Peyton, and even in the past couple of days as she prepared to say goodbye.  Since we met earlier this year, Kelly has stood on the promise that God has a plan for Peyton's life.  When she found out she was pregnant in the midst of Peyton's battle, she still was determined to cling to the promise of Jeremiah 29:11 each day.  As I watched Kelly each day, my faith began to grow stronger.  As I heard the news of Peyton's passing yesterday, I could hear Kelly reciting the words of Jeremiah 29:11 in my mind.
So today, please remember this family and pray for them in the days and weeks ahead.  May you find comfort and strength in the Lord in your own lives!  I pray that Peyton's story stays with you forever!

Friday, June 3, 2011

Please Pray!

I ask that you take today to pray for a little boy named Peyton and his parents.  Peyton has struggled with a form of brain cancer for several months and his journey here on earth is nearing an end.  Please pray for comfort and peace for Peyton and his family.  Please check out his story at and  if led, leave a comment of prayer for them.
Lord, thank you for your daily provision.  Thank you for always holding our hands and comforting our hearts in even our darkest hours.  I pray for little Peyton and his family in his final days/hours.  May Peyton be at peace and not be afraid.  May he find your open arms comforting and may he pass on to you at your appointed time.  Please be with his parents and family as they prepare to say goodbye here on earth.  Thank you for the promise that one day we will be reunited in heaven if we only believe!

Thursday, June 2, 2011

Have You Given HIM Joy?

"Surely you have granted him unending blessings and made him glad with the joy of your presence." Psalm 21:6

I came across this verse and I had to stop and dwell on it a few minutes.  I thought back on my busy life the last couple of weeks -- the end of school, our mini vacation, and even Alex's birthday party just to name a few.  Did I stop amongst the business of my life to even make time for the Lord?  Did I make the Lord "glad with the joy of [my] presence?"
I truly believe that this day in time is on of the busiest for families.  From work and school to ball games or dance lessons, our families are running from one place to another each and every day it seems.  The joke is that summer is supposed to be a time of relaxation and rest; however, many of us are still on the roads, still busy with the activities of life.  I know in my own life that I struggle with time management.  I struggle with making time for the priorities in my life.  Sadly, as I get busy during the day my time spent with God usually can shift to the back burner quickly.  If you are like me, I usually put my own priorities behind everyone else's needs.  So Mama takes care of everyone else before herself.  This is one example of when Satan can come and start chipping away at your day or your time so that you start to neglect the things of God.  One day turns into two.  One week turns into two weeks and so on.
I think about Psalm 21:6 and I break it into two parts.  First, have I granted God "unending blessings" today? Have I blessed Him or even praised Him for His provisions?  I cannot help but stop and begin to think about my blessings today and start thanking the Lord for his blessings.  I hope that I have been a blessing to Him today!
Then I ponder the latter part of the verse more.  "....made him glad with the joy of your presence." says the definition of Joy is "the emotion of great delight or happiness caused by something exceptionally good or satisfying; keen pleasure; elation."  Wow!  When you put it that way, I am suddenly unsure if I could ever bring great delight or happiness to the Lord.  Am I living my life in a way that brings Him Joy?
What about you?  Have you given Him joy lately?  Has your life brought him the emotion of great delight lately?  Has the Lord found pleasure in your presence?  If not, I pray that you make it right with the Lord today!