Monday, June 13, 2011

Praise Him!

"The heavens declare the glory of God; the skies proclaim the work of his hands.  Day after day they pour forth speech; night after night they reveal knowledge."  Psalm 19:1-2

As I read this verse, I remembered all the times I have laid out on the grass and stared up at the sky.  From cloud shapes to the birds of flight, I love staring up to the sky and taking in the peacefulness of the moment.  There are even days I look into the eyes of my daughter, and I feel I see God's love gleaming back at me.
I am often amazed at how people here on this earth can look upon the things of this earth and not see God's hand in them.  I ask myself how can people look at a rainbow and not see the Lord?  How can people look upon waterfall and not see the Lord?  Better yet, how can someone watch as a child is born and not see it as a miracle from God?
The Bible tells us that even the heavens declare God's glory!  The skies even proclaim the work of his hands!  If the sky can proclaim His glory, what is stopping us?  Take a few moments today to stand in awe of the Lord's work around you.  Praise Him for the works of His hands in your life.  Pour forth your praises each day just as the heavens declare His name!

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