Monday, June 27, 2011

Being A Vessel

"He [Moses] regarded disgrace for the sake of Christ as of greater value than the treasures of Egypt, because he was looking ahead to his reward.  By faith he left Egypt, not fearing the king's anger; he persevered because he saw him who was invisible."  Hebrews 26-27

If you think back to Moses' journey in Exodus, you will remember that Moses was raised by Pharoah's daughter.  Years later as he was traveling, he saw an Egyptian beating a Hebrew. Take a few minutes to read the account in Exodus 2: 11-12.  Moses, attempting to rescue one of his own, killed the Egyptian and buried him.  Moses fled Egypt and Pharoah's wrath.  Years later as God called on Moses to save his people, Moses felt unworthy.  He had sinned against God.  He had committed murder.  How could God not only forgive him but call upon him to do God's work?
When God called me to lead a women's ministry at a previous church, I will be honest in saying I was excited but very hesitant.  I felt no only unworthy but unequipped.  I prayed many times asking if God really wanted me to do this.  How could I lead a group of women and be a leader, when my past was full of bad choices?  After much prayer, God gave me peace and began to fill my heart with confidence.  Over the course of a year, He began to show me how I could be used as a vessel to do His work, just as He had called upon Moses.  So even when you doubt yourself, never let your past keep you from serving God in the future!
Have you ever prayed for God to send "someone else" to be a vessel for His work?  Have you prayed for a friend who may be lost asking for God to send someone to lead him/her to the Lord?  Maybe the Lord is actually wanting to send YOU!  You may not feel equipped or worthy, but God will fill you with all that you need if you only put your faith in Him!  Remember God did not call us to sit in a pew.  God calls each of us to be used in His service to spread the Good News.  Are you allowing God to use you?  Are you a Vessel for the Lord to use?
Lord, thank you for reminding us that you can use even the broken or damaged vessels to fulfill your purpose.  I pray that I will always be a willing vessel for you.  Thank you for your forgiveness and your love!  Amen

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