Wednesday, September 14, 2011

You are NOT Invisible to God

"Therefore if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature: old things are passed away; behold, all things have become new."  2 Corinthians 5:17

In continuing our thoughts from yesterday, I wanted to study more and understand better not only what it feels like to be invisible but how God can work in those same lives for His good.  I thought about the life of many women in the Bible after our look into the lives of Sarai and Hagar yesterday.  I began to remember a certain woman who I think felt pretty invisible.
The book of Joshua tells us about a certain woman whose name alone tells us so much about her life and probably most importantly how she felt about herself -- Rahab the harlot.  Imagine for yourself what Rahab must have felt about herself.  Here she is a prostitute.  Everyone in town knows her as "Rahab the harlot."  Her worth is derived by the number of men who seek her for pleasure yet none of them ever offer her love or commitment.  Rahab has probably convinced herself that this is her "job" and that there is nothing better for her.  I can only imagine that she feels invisible to many of the men who enter her presence.  I imagine she feels pretty invisible most times she walks through the marketplace.  No one wants to be her friend, least of all another woman.
Yet God had a remarkable plan for Rahab's life.  I believe that the Lord touched Rahab and carved 2 Corinthians 5:17 into her heart to remind her that her past did not define her future.  I believe that Rahab found out that she was not invisible to God when he filled her with His love.  After God touched Rahab's heart, God used her and the Bible chronicles many heroic acts of faith by Rahab.  Fast-forwarding a little, marvel at these two blessings of Rahab -- 1.  Rahab married Salmon, a prince in the house of Judah; 2.  Rahab bore Salmon a son named Boaz, who son was Obed, whose son was Jessie, who son was David, through whose line Jesus was born.  Whoa!  Rahab was used by God and given many blessings.  Rahab was not invisible to God!
What is your Remarkable Story?  Do you have a personal before-and-after story?  Does your story include a hard spirit toward God or others?  Or is it marked by an icy, stone-cold heart towards the things of God?  Maybe you were never a harlot like Rahab, but you have probably felt invisible.  You have felt the pain of isolation, low self-worth, and hopelessness.  But God loves you greatly!  You are NOT invisible to Him.  He wants more than anything to have a relationship with you if you only allow Him to speak to you!
Dear Lord, Thank you for the story of Rahab.  Thank you that you can use "broken-down Jesus girls" to speak to the world.  We praise you for seeing us in love.  I pray for those who feel invisible, Lord, that they will find you even in their darkest hour.  Amen

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