Monday, May 16, 2011


"Jesus replied, "I tell you the truth, everyone who sins is a slave to sin....So if the Son sets you free, you will be free indeed." John 8: 34, 36

Sin can be somewhat easy to explain to your children -- right vs wrong or that which pleases God vs that which doesn't -- yet when it comes to the Sin that inhabits our lives, we can easily overlook it.  Each of us, whether saved or unsaved, struggles daily with sin.  After my pastor asked a poignant question this morning about which one sin do you struggle with daily, I began to ponder my own life.  Honestly, I believe one sin I struggle with daily is pride.  Not to say that I don't struggle with any other sins from time to time but I believe that pride keeps me from fully placing my trust in God.  For some crazy reason, I continue to believe that in some situations I can do a better job than God.  I believe in my own abilities more than the abilities of the Father.  If you were to ponder you own life, what one sin would you say you struggle with almost daily?
Sin is a constant struggle.  I love the illustration of the angel on one shoulder and the devil on the other.  There have been times in my life where I have felt just like that!  Our pastor used an illustration yesterday that really hit home for me -- An Indian and a missionary were discussing the struggle between following the Spirit or following the flesh.  The missionary asked the Indian, "What is your interpretation of this struggle?"  The Indian replies, "I find the one that overtakes my life is the one that I feed."
Stop and think about that statement.  What we feed our souls is reflected in our lives.  If we feed our souls with the desires of the flesh, it will be reflected in the way we live our lives.  The desires of the flesh can only lead to sin and away from God.  Yet if we feed our souls with the truth of the Spirit, our lives will reflect that of God.
What are you feeding your soul?  Is your life a reflection of the flesh or the Spirit?

1 comment:

  1. I would hope the Spirit, although I know this is not always true. It is easy to become self-reliant in this day! Thanks for the reminder we should be more God-reliant!
