Monday, May 9, 2011

In Sickness and In Health

"The human spirit can endure in sickness, but a crushed spirit who can bear?" Proverbs 18:14

As I have had to endure a full weekend with this horrible sinus infection, it has given me time to reflect on being sick, dealing with sickness, and all the people that sickness can affect.  Mothers can surely understand how after taking care of your family and other responsibilities, your body can become tired and worn down and your immune system is more susceptible.  I believe this is how I can to bear the brunt of this sinus infection since last week.  
Anyone who knows my family well knows that all 3 of us suffers from varying ailments (seasonal allergies, asthma, eczema, food allergies, bulging discs in the neck, etc).  On any one day, one of us will be enduring the effects of an ailment or sickness that plagues us; however, I believe that it is truly "how" we deal with our circumstances that keeps us afloat.  Lance and I have always tried to teach Alex that her eczema or food allergies do not define who she is but rather rather what she suffers from.  These "sicknesses" do not make her special in comparison to her friends; however they may require special circumstances to ensure her safety and health.  
My husband, Lance, has endured his share of "sickness" as well over the years.  Six months into our marriage, he was unable to see clearly out of one eye.  He went to the ER, where his eye doctor actually met us, and were told her would need emergency surgery the next morning to repair a retinal detachment.  For us newlyweds, this was a great test of faith in each other and in God.  Yet all 3 of us, through each sickness, have not allowed our spirits to be crushed.  I can say there have been many occasions where we asked God, "Why?"  
I love Proverbs 18:14 because it reminds me in our worst of days that this sickness share soon pass, and we should not allow ourselves to fall into despair over it.  "....a crushed spirit, who can bear?"  As our children fall into our arms wanting comfort and love through their sickness, God, our Father, seeks for us to fall into His loving arms during our own sickness.  Instead of falling into despair, fall into the arms of the Great Physician, who can make all things new!

Have you ever had a time in your life where you felt overwhelmed by the circumstances of a sick family member?  Have you ever had to question God as to "Why Me?" or "Why them?"  Take the next few minutes to think about 3 people in your life who are "suffering from a sickness" and pray over them.  Pray not only for the ailment but also for their spirit. 

1 comment:

  1. I just happened to open this and read while in the doctor's office with!!! Thanks, I needed this!:D
