Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Loving Marriage vs Perfect Marriage

"Husbands, love your wives just as Christ loved the church and gave himself up for her."  Ephesians 5:25

"I now pronounce you husband and wife."  Do you remember that moment in your own wedding?  Most of us walk down the aisle arm-in-arm with our new spouse, and all we see are stars.  The day is like a fairytale, as it should be.  Yet God never told us that our marriage would be like a fairytale.  Do you see the difference?
My wedding went just as I had imagined.  For a not-so-girly girl, it was like a fairytale, and can you believe by day 4 of the honeymoon, I realized the marriage itself wasn't going to be like a fairytale.  I will have to share that story at another time.
The Bible is full of love stories from Adam and Eve to Abraham and Sarah to to Zechariah and Elizabeth.  Yet I am positive that even those love stories did not have perfect marriages.  But really what would perfect look like?  Would it be no arguing?  Would it be always agreeing with each other?  Would it be always walking hand-in-hand everywhere?
Believe it or not, I find great comfort in Ephesians 5:25.  God commanded for husbands to "love your wives."  Think about how many broken hearts could be mended in marriages if husbands and wives meditated on this simple idea.  LOVE.  What if you and I actually loved our spouse as Christ loved the church?  What if we gave our own desires up for our spouse?    
Think back on the last time you and your spouse had a disagreement or an argument.  In the end, would it have ended quicker or better had either one of you stopped to love each other and give up your own desires?  So put a smile on your face, find your spouse, and tell them how much you appreciate having a "loving marriage" and not a "perfect marriage."

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